376 User Manual
Section 1
Low control
This control varies the gain of the low frequency equalization; the gain range is -15 to +15 dB.
This filter is a low shelving filter at 80 Hz.
Mid control
This control varies the gain of the mid frequency equalization; the gain range is -15 to + 15 dB.
The mid frequency filter is a bandpass configuration with variable frequency.
Frequency control
This control selects the center frequency for the mid frequency filter. The frequency range is
100 Hz to 8 kHz.
High control
This control varies the gain of the high frequency equalization; the gain range is -15 to +15 dB.
This filter is a low shelving filter at 12 kHz.
This LED indicates that the signal is clipping within the EQ section of the 376.
Threshold (Compressor)
This control is used to set the threshold of compression from -40dBu (7.8Vrms) to +20dBu
Threshold Meter (Compressor)
These three LEDs indicate the relationship of the input signal level to the threshold of com-
pression. The green - LED indicates that the signal is below the threshold. The red + LED indi-
cates that the signal is above the threshold. When the 376 is switched to OVEREASY mode, the
yellow O LED is on when the signal is in the Overeasy mode of operation.
Overeasy (Compressor)
This button is used to engage the Overeasy region.
Ratio (Compressor)
This knob is used to set the amount of compression affecting the signal. Range is from 1:1 (no
compression) to ∞:1 At ∞:1, the output level will not exceed the threshold regardless of the
input level.
Gain Reduction Meter (Compressor)
This 8-segment meter displays how much the signal is being attenuated by the compressor.
Slow (Compressor)
This button is used to select either a slow or fast attack/release time of the compressor.
Frequency (De-Esser)
This control is used to set the HIGHPASS frequency of the variable filter used in the De-Esser
circuitry. Settings between 4-8kHz will yield the best results for vocal processing, while high-
er settings can be used for non-vocal applications.