CarChip Online Help Printable Version
The Summary Log contains the following fields and boxes:
Field Description
Record Displays the number of summary records that currently exist in the
summary log
Driver Displays the unique name for the driver.
Vehicle Displays the unique name for the vehicle.
CarChip Displays the CarChip data logger serial number or unique name.
Start Time Displays the trip's start time.
End Time Displays the trip's end time.
Duration Displays the trip's duration.
Distance Displays the total distance of the trip.
Avg. Speed Displays the average speed.
Max Speed Displays the maximum speed, or highest speed that was recorded during
the trip.
Parameter Name Displays the name of the parameter that was selected for monitoring.
Threshold Displays the maximum threshold value for the parameter.
Max Value Above Displays the value the CarChip recorded that was over the set threshold