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Resizing the HTML Help viewer
To: Do this
To minimize the window Click Minimize to shrink the viewer so it is displayed in the button bar
on the bottom of the Windows Desktop. Right-click this button and select
Restore to display the viewer.
To maximize the window Click Maximize to maximize the window so it occupies the entire
desktop area.
To restore the viewer to
its default size
Click Restore to restore the viewer to it's default size.
To manually resize the
Place the pointer over the edge of the viewer so it turns into a line with
arrows on each end . Press the left mouse button and drag up, down,
left or right. The viewer is resized after you release the mouse button.
Opening and closing the left-hand panes
To: Do this
Close the left-hand tabs from view Click Hide
Open the left-hand tabs Click Show
Using the navigation buttons
To: Do this
Display the previous topic
going backwards in your
topic selection sequence.
Click Back
Display the next topic going
forward in your topic
selection sequence.
Click Forward
Using the Options menu
The Options button opens a menu with selections for hiding the left-hand tabs, going back and forward,
stopping a topic or Web page from loading, refreshing the information displayed in the window, printing,
and turning search highlighting on or off. You can also access Internet options from this menu.