Mount Your Weather Envoy
Envoy Location
You should place the Envoy in a location where it easily accessible and can be
easily connected to a computer. For more accurate readings, follow these sug-
• Avoid placing the Envoy in direct sunlight. This may cause erroneous
inside temperature and humidity readings and may damage the unit.
• Avoid placing the Envoy near radiators or heating/air conditioning ducts.
• If you are mounting the Envoy on a wall, choose an interior wall. Avoid
exterior walls that tend to heat up or cool down depending on the weather.
The range of the radio transmission that the Envoy can receive from the wire-
less ISS depends on several factors. Try to position the Envoy around the
transmitting weather station as close as possible for best results.
Typical maximum ranges include:
• Line of sight: 1000 feet (300 m).
• Under most conditions: 200 - 400 feet (60 - 120 m).
Other range and transmission considerations include:
• Range may be reduced by walls, ceilings, trees, foliage, a metal roof or
other large metal structures or objects such as aluminum siding, metal
ducts, and metal appliances, such as refrigerators.
• Frequency interferers also reduce transmission distance. Cordless phones
(900 Mhz) is a common example of frequency interference.
• Transmission between wireless units may be obscured by something uni-
dentifiable, or by some obstacle that can’t be worked around.
Note: For best results, orient the ISS antenna and the Envoy antenna so that the orienta-
tion and angles of the antennas are parallel to each other.
• If possible, align the pivot joints of both the ISS and the Envoy antennas so
that the are facing each other for maximum signal strength.
For better reception over greater distances or for weaker signals, consider using a Wire-
less Repeater (product #7626 or #7627) to strengthen the signal or increase the distance
between your ISS and the Envoy.
Wall Mounting the Envoy
Use this procedure for a wall installation.
1. Use the provided wall mounting template as an example of hole spacing and
alignment when installing your Envoy.
2. Use the template as a guideline for the hole markings on the wall where you
want to mount the Envoy, and use a pencil to mark the location for the two
mounting screws.