ST/SV-3210 and ST/SV-3306 27
4.3 Operational Database Modification
The operational database for the printer, which contains the parser mode
setting and other important printer parameters, can be changed using the
front panel. To change the Operational Database settings:
Œ If on-line, press the PAUSE button to place the printer off-line.
• Press and hold the F2 button until the On-Line Indicator is lit
(approximately six seconds) then release. To adjust:
Ø Press the F1 button to advance to the next setting of the
current item, print the selection, and present it for
Ø Press the F2 button to accept the presented item and
value for use then print and present the next item, or
press and hold the F2 button (until the On-Line Indicator
is lit) to cause a Warm Reset, apply the new settings, and
place the printer on-line.
Ø Press the F3 button to return to the previous setting for
the current item, print the selection, and present it for
The following pages contain tables listing the settings and values that are
accessible and modifiable through this method, while next subsection is
included to provide a systematic example of the database modification