
Appendix G
126 E-Class DPL Programmer’s Manual
W1T: TCIF Linked Barcode 3 of 9 (TLC39)
TLC39 is a telecommunications barcode which encodes a six digit sequence in a standard 3 of 9
barcode (code 39) followed by a link flag character in code 3 of 9 and a 25 character alphanumeric
serial number encoded in MicroPDF417.
a W1 t c d eee ffff gggg hhhhhh ; i…i
(note: spaces shown for clarity)
Field Valid Inputs Meaning
a 1,2,3, and 4 Rotation
W1 W1 Fixed value, extended barcode set
t t Selects TLC39 barcode
c 0 to 9 and A to O Wide bar of Code 39, ratio of wide to narrow must be between 2:1 and 3:1
d 0 to 9 and A to O Narrow bar of Code 39
eee 001 to 999 Height of Code 39
ffff 0000 to 9999 Label position, row
gggg 0000 to 9999 Label position, column
hhhhhh ECI Data Six digit ECI number
; Fixed Parses data
i…i S/N Data Up to 25 alphanumeric serial number
The ECI number must be six digits followed by a semi colon. If the seventh character is not a semi colon
then only a six digit code 39 will print.
The link flag is the character “T” in code 39 without a start/stop indicator. The location of this flag is based
on the ECI code location, length and height.
The serial number may contain up to 25 alphanumeric characters and is encoded in the MicroPDF417
symbol. This symbol is fixed at 4 columns and the rows are determined based on the following:
Number of Alphanumeric Data Number of Rows
1-14 4
15-22 6
23-25 8
The location of the MicroPDF417 symbol is based on the location of ECI barcode. The symbol’s
module width and height are fixed at the default.
The following example prints a TLC39