48 I-Class
System Settings (continued)
Note: As indicated, the following menu selections will only appear
according to the model of your printer.
PLUS EMULATION This instructs the firmware to process
specific DPL data as would the
Prodigy Plus
printer without all of the
variations. The calculated Column
position based on 200 DPI using a 203
DPI printhead.
This list of exceptions will be updated
with new firmware releases:
Data Terminator – I 2 of 5 Barcodes
(IDs D, J, and L), the first non-
numeric character processed will
terminate the barcode data field.
Bar Size – I 2 of 5 Barcode (ID L),
when the bar size is specified
greater than P (25), the size is
automatically decreased to 10.
Human Readable Fonts – The EAN
and UPC barcodes (IDs B, C, F, G,
M, and N) print a fixed font size.
Lines and boxes: Rotations 2 and 4
are affected by the vertical multi-
plication factor defined in the DPL
Dxx command.
Column positions greater than the
printhead width are adjusted back to
the printable area and printed.
The above exceptions are disabled.
I-4206, I-4208, & I-4212 Models