
Setting Up Your Printer
28 Allegro2
The commands used for bit-mapped font loading are usually
generated by font-creation software. However, the assigned font ID
number command must be sent to the Printer before the font file.
Font-Loading Commands are listed in Table 2-10.
CC P PR Description
*c###D N N Assign Font ID Number
### = ID Number 100 to 999
)s#W Y N Font Descriptor
*c#E N N Character Code
# = ASCII Value of Character
(s#W Y N Character Download Data
# = Bytes of Bit-mapped Data
Table 2-10 Font-Loading Commands
CC = Command Character
P = Must Supply Parameters? (Y/N)
PR = Printer Responds? (Y/N)
2.6 Programming Examples
<STX> L <CR>
H07 <CR>
D11 <CR>
19110080100002510K OHM 1/4 WATT <CR>
1a6210000000050590PCS <CR>
10K OHM 1/4 WATT
Figure 2-3 Sample Label