
Service manual SC-150
4-7 24C16 - 16 Kb EEPROM
features :
- 16 Kbit serial I2C bus EEPROM
- Single supply voltage : 4.5 V to 5.5 V
- 1 Million Erase/Write cycles (minimum)
- 40 year data retention (minimum)
Pin description
Pin No. Name Description
1, 2, 3 E0, E1, E2 Device address - not used
5 SDA Serral Data/Address Input/Output
6 SCL Serial clock
7 WC Write control
8 Vcc Supply voltage
4 Vss Ground
The memory device is compatible with the I2C memory standard. This is a two wire serial interface that uses a
bi-directionnal data bus and serial clock. The memory carries a built-in 4-bit unique device type identifier code (1010)
in accordance with the I2C bus definition.
Serial Clock (SCL)
The SCL input is used to strobe all data in and out of the memory.
Serial Data (SDA)
The SDA pin is bi-directionnal, and is used to transfer data in or out of the memory