
Chapter 1: Introduction 7
Component Overview
General features are common among all products, in the Cyclades PM IPDU family:
128 KB flash memory
Two RJ-45 RS-232 interfaces
Digital global current display with two digits and seven segments
LEDs monitoring ON/OFF status for each port
Audible over current alarm
8-bit Microcontroller-equipped
The following sections list features that are specific to each model:
Cyclades PM8 IPDU on page 7
Cyclades PM8i IPDU on page 8
Cyclades PM10 IPDU on page 8
Cyclades PM10i IPDU on page 9
Cyclades PM10i-L30A IPDU on page 9
Cyclades PM10i-32A IPDU on page 9
Cyclades PM10i-32Au IPDU on page 10
Cyclades PM20 IPDU on page 10
Cyclades PM20i IPDU on page 10
If needed, see Appendix A: Specifications on page 63 for more electrical, hardware and
environment details about each model. See Supplied with the PM IPDU on page 13.
Cyclades PM8 IPDU
The Cyclades PM8 IPDU has the following features:
One of the following power plugs:
125VAC/15A (NEMA 5-15P)
125VAC/20A (NEMA 5-20P)
125VAC/20A (NEMA L5-20P)
Eight 125VAC/15A power receptacles (NEMA 5-15R)
125VAC/20A circuit breaker
Vertical mounting (zero U)
Figure 1.4: Cyclades PM8 IPDU