
Operations Guide 930105B CyberData Corporation
Appendix B: Setting up the Hub on
Windows XP
For connecting the CyberData 4-Port PoweredUSB 2.0 Hub to a PC running the Windows XP
operating system, keep in mind:
1. Microsoft XP Service Pack 1 or higher must be installed.
2. When connecting the Hub for the first time, it is im
portant to perform the enumeration
correctly. A Microsoft XP Service Pack issue does not enumerate and recognize a Hub when no
devices are attached to it. To correctly enumerate the CyberData 4-Port PoweredUSB 2.0 Hub,
attach a peripheral whose drivers are included in Windows XP, such as a USB mouse, prior to
enumerating the Hub. To accomplish this:
a. Connect a USB mouse to one of the lower
standard USB, Hub ports.
b. Connect the power cord to the Hub.
c. With the PC powered up, connect the host control cable from the Hub to a USB port on the
. Doing so displays the Found new hardware dialog, indicating that the PC is searching for
drivers for the Hub.
d. When the PC completes the driver search, it displays the Found new
e dialog, in
search of a driver for the mouse. If required, click Next in all screens of the wizard to
complete the driver selection for the mouse.
At this point, you should be able to plug in and install a USB
device provided you have also
installed its drivers, or have them available for installation.