Crown Audio, Inc.
P.O. Box 1000
Elkhart, IN 46515-1000
TEL: 574-294-8000
FAX: 574-294-8FAX
2003 Crown Audio, Inc.
Specifications subject to change without prior notice.
Latest information available at www.crownaudio.com.
is registered trademark of Crown Interna-
tional, Inc.
6/03 125704-4
Sensitivity Changes vs. Phantom-Power
The CM-150 has different sensitivity at
different phantom voltages. If you use
phantom powering other than 48 volt,
change the printed sensitivity of your unit
by the amount shown in the right hand
column below.
For example, if the sensitivity on your
printout is 11 mV/Pa, and you are using
the mic with 24-volt phantom, the correct
sensitivity is 11-2.1 or 8.9 mV/Pa.
Crown professional microphones are
guaranteed against malfunction for a pe-
riod of three years from date of original
purchase. Please refer to the enclosed full
warranty statement for more detail.
If the microphone fails to work, replace or
repair the mic cables, or check the power
supply. If service is required, return the
microphone in its original packaging to
Crown Factory Service, 1718 West
Mishawaka Road, Elkhart, Indiana 46517.
For further assistance or technical support
call 800-342-6939.
Fig. 3
(16.04 cm)
.520" dia.
(1.32 cm dia.)
.500" dia.
1.27 cm. dia.
750" dia.
(1.91 cm dia.)
Phantom Change in
Printout Sensitivity
48 V 0 mV
(6.8K resistors)
24 V –2.1 mV
(1200 ohm resistors)
18 V –2.6 mV
18 V center tap trans- –0.6 mV
former such as in PH-1A
12 V – 3.6 mV
(680 ohm resistors)