Figure 10
Figure 11
If you experienced resistance rolling the unit, either when repositioning
the shift lever from 6 to R2 or when attempting to move the machine
with the drive control released, adjust the drive control immediately. To
adjust, proceed as follows:
• Loosenthenylocknutonthedrivecontrolcableandunthreadthe
cable one full turn. See Figure 10.
• Recheckadjustment.
• Retightenthenylocknuttosecurethecablewhencorrectadjust-
ment is reached.
NOTE: For more details, refer to Drive Control Adjustment in the
Adjustment Section of this manual.
Auger Control
Check the adjustment of the auger control as follows:
• Whentheaugercontrolisreleasedandinthedisengaged“up”
position (see Figure 9), the cable should have very little slack, but
should NOT be tight.
WARNING:Do not over-tighten the cable. Over-
tightening may prevent the auger from disengaging
and compromise the safety of the snow thrower.
• Inawell-ventilatedarea,startthesnowthrowerengineasinstruct-
ed on page 12. Make sure the throttle is set in the fast position.
• Whilestandingintheoperator’sposition(behindthesnowthrower)
engage the auger.
• Allowtheaugertoremainengagedforapproximatelytenseconds
before releasing the auger control. Repeat this several times.
• Withtheenginerunninginthefastpositionandtheaugercontrol
lever in the disengaged “up” position, walk to the front of the
• Confirmthattheaugerhascompletelystoppedrotatingandshows
no signs of motion.
IMPORTANT: If the auger shows any signs of rotating, immediately
return to the operator’s position and shut off the engine. Wait for all
moving parts to stop before readjusting the auger control cable.
• Toreadjustthecontrolcable,unhookthespring(foundontheend
of the auger cable) from the auger actuator bracket. See Figure 10.
• Pushthecablecouplerthroughtheendofthespringtoexposethe
lock nut. See Figure 11.
• Threadthenylocknutoutward(downthecoupler)threefullturns
to provide more slack in the cable and reattach the spring to the
• Repeataugercontroltesttoverifyforproperadjustment.Repeat
previous steps to adjust more, if necessary.