IMPORTANT: The use of a oiVwater extractor is recommended. See set
illustrations for exampIas.
Basic Set Up
_! _ _ TO Air Supply- ar_
Air Inlet _ir con_prsssor
equipped with
R?corameeded r
Ideal Set Up
TO air s_lpply -
hard plumbed
air suppFy
Before Using Spray Gun
This gun is designed
for use with most
finishing materials. It is not
designed for use with corrosive or
highly abrasive materials. Using
these materials can lead to poor
performance and/or failure of this
1. Mix material according the
masufacturer's instructions.
Mixture should be smooth and
easity pourabIe. Lumps or foreign
particlas should be removed by
straining through a suitabte paint
fitter. NOTE: Using a Sears
Visceeimeter witl help in
measuring the viscosity or
thickness of the matedat.
For Siphon Feed Connection
1. Removethe matedat cup from
lid/gun assembly. NOTE: Stide
release lever to the right, rotate
tid, and remove material cup.
2, Fill the material cup 3/4 full.
3, Attach material cup to the tidigun
assembly and slide release lever
to the left to secure in ptace.
NOTE: When repiacing iidigun
assembly make sure bend in matedat
tube is positioned to the front of the
spray gun as shown.
4, Attach air supply line to 1/4 NPT
air inlet,
5, See "Operation" Section to learn
how to use the spray gun.
6- ENG