Follow Figure 25 for routing of belts and pulleys.
Periodically check to see ifthese belts are too loose
or damaged through wear and tear. If so, replace
with new belt.
NOTE: It is recommended that both drive belts be
replaced at the same time.
Special tools required: Vise grips or impact wrench.
_-- Engine Pulley
FlatIdler X(
Brak _/f
Jack Pulley
" Transmissiol
Figure 25
Upper Deck Drive Belt
I. Engage the parking brake and tum the ignitionoff.
2. Remove the cutting deck as instructedin the
previous section.
3. Disconnect spindle brake bar at the idler pulley.
Note the hardware positionsfor future use.
4. Remove the lowerdeck belt tension pulley arm. Do
not remove the spring. Note hardware position.
5. Using a 9/16" socket, remove the boltholdingthe
engine pulley, and drop the pulley down. To loosen
this bolt, you willhave to hold the engine shaft
firmly withvise grips at a point closest tothe bottom
ofthe vehicle frame. This will stopthe shaftfrom
rotating, and help in removing the engine pulley.
6. Roll the belt off the engine pulley.
7. Slipthe belt offfrom the idler pulley. Remove the
belt from the jack pulley.
8. Replace with new belt making sure that the
hardware is propedy secured and the belts are on
the inside ofthe belt keepers.
Jack Spindle Replacement
Check jack spindle whenever you replace upperdeck
drive belts. Ifthe jack spindle does not spin freely when
the belts are disengaged, itshould be replaced.
1. Disconnect and ground the spark plugwire.
2. Unhook both straps securing grass catcher to the
vehicle frame. Remove grass catcher from unitand
keep it aside.
3. Flip the utilitybed up to access the jack spindle.
4. Loosen the jack spindle pulley bolt using a pair of
wrenches. See Figure 26.
5. Remove the pulley from the jack spindle.
6. Remove four screws (only two called out in Figure
26) that secure jack spindle to the vehicle frame.
7. Remove the jack spindle.
Figure 26....
8. Replace with a new jack spindle and re-attach to
the frame.
9. Working under the vehicle, re-install thejack
spindle pulley with the bolt removed earlier.
10. Flipthe utilitybed back to the operating position, re-
attach grass catcher as needed, and re-connect the
spark plug wire.
Drive Belt
IMPORTANT:When either or bothof the drive belts are
wornoff, replace both. Replacing onlyone willaffect the
performance ofyour lawn utilityvehicle.
NOTE: It may be necessary to adjust the speed control
linkage after replacing both drive belts.
1. Remove the cutting deck.