Chapter 9. Systems Section In-Depth
Mouse Sensitivity
This feature enables user how responsive are the movement of the mouse can be when user is
operating a mouse via the USB connection provided either in front or back of the DVR unit. It only
applies to the mouse sensitivity locally to the DVR not to the remote application. Sensitivity setting has
level 1~3. Lowest level being most slow to 3 being the fastest.
Video Standard
There are two selectable standards for video NTSC or PAL. Reasons for two type of video standards are
that some countries decided to use PAL or NTSC standard for television broadcast. In CCTV environment
you must correspond to determine what type of cameras are being used and what type of display
monitor is being used. Simple rule to remember is that you should matchup equipment with one
uniform standard. If you resided in country that uses NTSC for broadcast and are using NTSC monitor,
NTSC Camera then you must choose NTSC for video standards setting for DVR unit. Even if you reside in
country that uses PAL standards some countries uses NTSC standard due to compatibility of equipments
being used. So it is very critical that you identify what types of camera, and what type of monitor will be
used for the DVR unit.
NTSC (National Television System Committee), PAL (Phase Alternating Line) are what these acronyms
mean. NTSC standards are predominantly being used in North American countries, some South
American country, and a PAL standard dominates the European countries, some South American
countries such as Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil and many part of Asia with exception to South Korea, Japan,
and Philippines.
Costa Rica
Dominican Republic
Puerto Rico
South Korea
Table 1 NTSC countries