
Chapter 9. Systems Section In-Depth
Page 72
MAC Address
As mentioned before MAC (Media Access Control) addresses are unique to individual network card or
NIC (Network Interface Card). They are represented in six groups of two hexadecimal digits. These
address are sometimes referred as physical address or hardware address as well. Importance of MAC
address for our DVR is when users need to provide this information to network administrator. Many
reasons your network administrator will need to have MAC address but one most important reason may
be for providing adequate rules for organization’s firewall configuration or (and) for proper port
forwarding application. Often times MAC address are used to create special network rules and are
sometime given special privilege in network using MAC address. In this manual we would only discuss
applied needs of MAC address pertaining to our DVR unit. For further information regarding MAC
address please refer to guides that explain basic principles of Ethernet networking.
This also is unique identifier that our DVR has mainly functions as special identifier that is used in DDNS
service. Our DVR unit has very easy to use DDNS features and this Webcode is very important part of
identifying DVR unit in networking and communication.
In this section there are notations for F/W Version, H/W Version, N/W Version, and UI Version. They are
Firmware, Hardware, Network, User Interface version information. These information are critical
information when troubleshooting the DVR unit or to service the DVR unit. Firmware versions indicate
type of memory resident software information that is installed in the DVR unit. Hardware version
indicates physical equipment versions that have component differences. Netware versions indicate type
of NIC cards and network controllers and UI is GUI versions.