Use the routing legend to determine the current cross-point configuration of the selected input channel. As shown in
the example above, Input 1 is non-gated and cross pointed by default to Output 1. It is also gated and cross pointed
by default to Outputs 5-7, Telco TX, and Exp Bus O.
Clicking a cross point box selects it, clicking it a second time sets the cross point, as indicated by a colored box.
The dB level for set cross points is shown numerically in the box. To adjust cross point gain/attenuation, right-click
on a cross point box and select Cross Point from the shortcut menu as shown below.
The Cross Point Attenuation slider appears as shown below. Move the slider or use the selector box to set the
gain/attenuation level in dB. The range is from -60 to +12dB in .5dB increments. The default is 0dB.
NOTE: Changes are automatically saved when you close the slider.
In the channel routing matrix section of the Channel pane, pressing the channel button underneath an Output,
Process, or Fader cross point box (shown above) displays the signal flow diagram and configuration controls for
that channel (shown below).