the top is cropped off. This would happen when
the Justify is B
• Widescreen means force the aspect ratio to 16 x 9
(1.77), the standard for many DVD movies.
• Normal forces a 4 x 3 (1.33) aspect ratio, the ratio
of standard television.
Justify determines how the picture will be place in
the wall.
• If the picture is too wide for the wall and is
cropped on the sides, you can choose Left, Cen-
ter, or Right.
• If the picture is too tall for the wall and is cropped
top and bottom, you can choose To p , Middle, or
• Similar choices are made if the picture is letter-
Border Color determines the color of the “extra”
space around the picture if it doesn’t fill the screen.
The choices are:
• Green
•Dark Red
• Dark Green
•Dark Blue
When the Scale Mode is Fill All, the Border Color line
will be grayed out, because there will be no border.
No Big Picture key
If there is no Big Picture key, the whole picture will
appear on the screen, and the menu looks like this:
You can’t spread one picture over several Margays,
but you can make the picture fit one Margay is the
ways described above.