17 Binatone Help Line: 0845 345 9677 (for UK only. Local Call rate)
Navigate to
Tap this option to begin any journey or if
you wish to set up a route simulate. The
screen will change to the Route Planning
Navi – Used to navigate to a destination,
via a number of waypoints if also set.
Simulate – Used to plan a route which
can then be simulated.
Route options – Opens the route options
menu allowing you to set your preferred driving preferences.
Up/Down arrow – Used to scroll to view the list of waypoints/destination which are
currently not shown.
Move Up/Down – Use to shift the position of the waypoints/destination you have
On Map – Use to view the selected waypoint/destination on the map.
Delete – Used to delete a selected waypoint/destination from the list, you will be
asked to confirm the deletion. The currently selected item will be highlighted orange.
Back – Used to go back to the main menu.
Go – Use to switch to the Navigation screen and begin you journey/simulation.
Note: You can only enter a maximum of 10 waypoints/destination in the list,
when the list is full a message will be displayed informing you that you have
reached the maximum number.
In Navi the unit will display the list items in numerical order, when in Simulate
the first list item will be displayed with an S to indicate that it is your start point.
In order to navigate you need a valid GPS signal, for simulating a route this
can be done without a GPS signal.