Catalyst 6000 Family Multilayer Switch Feature Card 2 Installation Note
Obtaining Technical Assistance
Documentation CD-ROM
Cisco documentation and additional literature are available in a CD-ROM package, which ships
with your product. The Documentation CD-ROM is updated monthly and may be more current than
printed documentation. The CD-ROM package is available as a single unit or as an annual subscription.
Ordering Documentation
Cisco documentation is available in the following ways:
• Registered Cisco Direct Customers can order Cisco Product documentation from the Networking
Products MarketPlace:
• Registered Cisco.com users can order the Documentation CD-ROM through the online Subscription
• Nonregistered Cisco.com users can order documentation through a local account representative by
calling Cisco corporate headquarters (California, USA) at 408 526-7208 or, in North America, by
calling 800 553-NETS(6387).
Documentation Feedback
If you are reading Cisco product documentation on the World Wide Web, you can submit technical
comments electronically. Click Feedback in the toolbar and select Documentation. After you complete
the form, click Submit to send it to Cisco.
You can e-mail your comments to bug-doc@cisco.com.
To submit your comments by mail, use the response card behind the front cover of your document, or
write to the following address:
Attn Document Resource Connection
Cisco Systems, Inc.
170 West Tasman Drive
San Jose, CA 95134-9883
We appreciate your comments.
Obtaining Technical Assistance
Cisco provides Cisco.com as a starting point for all technical assistance. Customers and partners can
obtain documentation, troubleshooting tips, and sample configurations from online tools. For Cisco.com
registered users, additional troubleshooting tools are available from the TAC website.