Wireless-G IP Phone
Chapter 5: Using the Web-based Utility
Network Profile
Network Profile
The Network Profile menu allows you to assign up to six wireless access points for your IP Phone connection. Click on the Network tab to see the Network
Profile List. This list shows the six accounts, including the one that is Active. Only one account at a time can be active. You can use the blue arrow to move an
option down the list, or the red arrow to move an option up the list. Click on Go to confirm (Commit) the change.
You can Configure, Remove or Turn Off any of these accounts. Click Configure. For the Wireless Network Settings, Enter the Profile Name, ESSID and select
the Data rate. For IP Settings, you can select DHCP, Fixed IP or PPPoE. For the NAT Settings you can Disable the NAT Solution or select STUN server options.
You can select the type of Security Settings you want to use, including OPEN, or one of several WEP or WPA options. You can then choose the Key Index
placement (1 to 4) and the Key information. You can choose the Certification Settings, including CA Cert., User Cert and Private Key. These can be uploaded.
SIP Account Settings can be selected on this screen. Choosing Go will take you to the SIP screen to Configure or Remove these accounts.
Figure 5-4: Network Profile screen