Cisco VG202, Cisco VG202XM, Cisco VG204, and Cisco VG204XM Voice Gateways Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 1 Understanding Interface Numbering and Cisco IOS Software Basics
Understanding Cisco IOS Software Basics
• The VG202 and VG204 devices support IOS software releases 15.0(1)M or earlier* due to memory
limitations. The VG202XM and VG204XM devices will support the latest IOS software release
15.3(2)T and beyond. Earlier releases are not supported on the VG202XM and VG204XM.
*Deployments requiring support for secure SCCP based call control are supported using 15.1(4)M
IOS release.
Getting Help
Use the question mark (?) and arrow keys to help you enter commands:
• For a list of available commands, enter a question mark:
VG> ?
• To complete a command, enter a few known characters followed by a question mark (with no space):
VG> s?
• For a list of command variables, enter the command followed by a space and a question mark:
VG> show ?
• To redisplay a command you previously entered, press the up arrow key. You can continue to press
the up arrow key for more commands.
Command Modes
The Cisco IOS user interface involves different modes. Each command mode permits you to configure
different components on your voice gateway. The commands available at any given time depend on
which mode you are currently in. Entering a question mark (?) at the prompt displays a list of commands
available for each command mode. Table 1-1 lists the most common command modes.
Table 1-1 Common Command Modes
Command Mode Access Method VG Prompt Displayed Exit Method
User EXEC Log in.
VG> Use the logout
Privileged EXEC From user EXEC mode,
enter the enable
VG# To exit to user EXEC
mode, use the disable,
exit, or logout