Cisco VG202, Cisco VG202XM, Cisco VG204, and Cisco VG204XM Voice Gateways Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 1 Understanding Interface Numbering and Cisco IOS Software Basics
Understanding Cisco IOS Software Basics
Timesaver Each command mode restricts you to a subset of commands. If you are having trouble entering a
command, check the prompt, and enter the question mark (?) for a list of available commands. You might
be in the wrong command mode or using the wrong syntax.
In the following example, notice how the prompt changes after each command to indicate a new
command mode:
VG> enable
Password: <enable password>
VG# configure terminal
VG(config)# interface fastEthernet 0/0
VG(config-if)# line 0
VG(config)# exit
%SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
The last message is normal and does not indicate an error. Press Return to get the VG# prompt.
Note You can press Ctrl-Z in any mode to immediately return to enable mode (VG#), instead of entering exit,
which returns you to the previous mode.
Undoing a Command or Feature
If you want to undo a command you entered or disable a feature, enter the keyword no before most
commands; for example, no ip routing.
Saving Configuration Changes
You need to enter the copy running-config startup-config command to save your configuration changes
to NVRAM, so the changes are not lost if there is a system reload or power outage. For example:
VG# copy running-config startup-config
Building configuration...
Global configuration From the privileged
EXEC mode, enter the
configure terminal
VG(config)# To exit to privileged
EXEC mode, use the
exit or end command,
or press Ctrl-Z.
Interface configuration From the global
configuration mode,
enter the interface type
number command, such
interface fast ethernet
VG(config-if)# To exit to global
configuration mode, use
the exit command.
To exit directly to
privileged EXEC mode,
press Ctrl-Z.
Table 1-1 Common Command Modes (continued)
Command Mode Access Method VG Prompt Displayed Exit Method