Cisco VG202, Cisco VG202XM, Cisco VG204, and Cisco VG204XM Voice Gateways Hardware Installation Guide
• Audience, page v
• Documentation Conventions, page v
• Accessibility, page vi
• Related Documentation, page vi
• Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request, page vii
• Safety Warnings, page vii
This document is designed for administrators who have some experience installing networking
equipment such as routers, servers, and switches. You should be familiar with networks, telephony
equipment, electronic circuitry, and wiring practices, and you must have experience as an electronic or
electromechanical technician.
Only trained and qualified personnel should be allowed to install, replace, or service this equipment.
Statement 1030
Documentation Conventions
Table 1 Documentation Conventions
Convention Description
boldface font Commands and keywords.
italic font Variables for which you supply values.
[ ] Keywords or arguments that appear within square brackets are optional.
{x | y | z} A choice of required keywords appears in braces separated by vertical bars. You must select one.
screen font Examples of information displayed on the screen.
boldface screen
Examples of information you must enter.