Cisco UCS C24 Server Installation and Service Guide
Appendix C RAID Controller Considerations
Embedded MegaRAID Controller
Downloading the LSI MegaSR Drivers
The MegaSR drivers are included in the C-series driver ISO for your server and OS. Download the
drivers from Cisco.com:
Step 1 Find the drivers ISO file download for your server online and download it to a temporary location on
your workstation:
a. See the following URL: http://www.cisco.com/cisco/software/navigator.html
b. Click Unified Computing and Servers in the middle column.
c. Click Cisco UCS C-Series Rack-Mount Standalone Server Software in the right-hand column.
d. Click your model of server in the right-hand column.
e. Click Unified Computing System (UCS) Drivers.
f. Click the release number that you are downloading.
g. Click Download to download the drivers ISO file.
h. Verify the information on the next page, then click Proceed With Download.
i. Continue through the subsequent screens to accept the license agreement and then browse to a
location where you want to save the drivers ISO file.
Microsoft Windows Driver Installation
This section explains the steps to install the LSI MegaSR driver in a Windows installation.
This section contains the following topics:
• Windows Server 2008R2 Driver Installation, page C-10
• Updating the Windows Driver, page C-11
• Linux Driver Installation, page C-12
Windows Server 2008R2 Driver Installation
Perform the following steps to install the LSI MegaSR device driver in a new Windows Server 2008R2
operating system. The Windows operating system automatically adds the driver to the registry and copies
the driver to the appropriate directory.
Step 1 Create a RAID drive group using the LSI SWRAID Configuration utility before you install this driver
for Windows. Launch this utility by pressing Ctrl+M when LSI SWRAID is shown during BIOS post.
Step 2 Download the Cisco UCS C-Series drivers ISO, as described in Downloading the LSI MegaSR Drivers,
page C-10.
Step 3 Prepare the drivers on a USB thumb drive:
a. Burn the ISO image to a disc.
b. Browse the contents of the drivers folders to the location of the embedded MegaRAID drivers:
c. Expand the Zip file, which contains the folder with the MegaSR driver files.
d. Copy the expanded folder to a USB thumb drive.