Notification Recipients
461 Cisco Small Business 300 Series Managed Switch Administration Guide
• IP Version—Select either IPv4 or IPv6.
• IPv6 Address Type—Select either Link Local or Global.
- Link Local—The IPv6 address uniquely identifies hosts on a single
network link. A link local address has a prefix of FE80, is not routable, and
can be used for communication only on the local network. Only one link
local address is supported. If a link local address exists on the interface,
this entry replaces the address in the configuration.
- Global—The IPv6 address is a global Unicast IPV6 type that is visible and
reachable from other networks.
• Link Local Interface—If the IPv6 address type is Link Local, select whether
it is received through a VLAN or ISATAP.
• Recipient IP Address/Name—Enter the IP address or server name of
where the traps are sent.
• UDP Port—Enter the UDP port used for notifications on the recipient device.
• Notification Type—Select whether to send Traps or Informs. If both are
required, two recipients must be created.
• Timeout—Enter the number of seconds the device waits before re-sending
• Retries—Enter the number of times that the device resends an inform
• Community String—Select from the pull-down the community string of the
trap manager. Community String names are generated from those listed in
the Community page.
• Notification Version—Select the trap SNMP version.
Either SNMPv1 or SNMPv2 may be used as the version of traps, with only a
single version enabled at a time.
• Notification Filter—Select to enable filtering the type of SNMP notifications
sent to the management station. The filters are created in the Notification
Filter page.
• Filter Name—Select the SNMP filter that defines the information contained
in traps (defined in the Notification Filter page).
STEP 4 Click Apply. The SNMP Notification Recipient settings are written to the Running
Configuration file.