IP Configuration
IPv6 Management and Interfaces
293 Cisco Small Business 300 Series Managed Switch Administration Guide
Defining IPv6 Neighbors Information
The IPv6 Neighbors page
configuring and viewing the list of IPv6
neighbors on the IPv6 interface. The IPv6 Neighbor Table (also known as IPv6
Neighbor Discovery Cache) displays the MAC addresses of the IPv6 neighbors
that are in the same IPv6 subnet as the device. This is the IPv6 equivalent of the
IPv4 ARP Table. When the device needs to communicate with its neighbors, the
device uses the IPv6 Neighbor Table to determine the MAC addresses based on
their IPv6 addresses.
This page displays the neighbors that were automatically detected or manually
configured entries. Each entry displays to which interface the neighbor is
connected, the neighbor’s IPv6 and MAC addresses, the entry type (static or
dynamic), and the state of the neighbor.
To define IPv6 neighbors:
STEP 1 n Layer 2 system mode, click Administration > Management Interface > IPv6
In Layer 3 system mode, click IP Configuration > IPv6 Management and
Interfaces > IPv6 Neighbors.
STEP 2 You can select a Clear Table option to clear some or all of IPv6 addresses in the
IPv6 Neighbors Table.
• Static Only—Deletes the static IPv6 address entries.
• Dynamic Only—Deletes the dynamic IPv6 address entries.
• All Dynamic & Static—Deletes the static and dynamic address entries IPv6
address entries.
The following fields are displayed for the neighboring interfaces:
• Interface—Neighboring IPv6 interface type.
• IPv6 Address—IPv6 address of a neighbor.
• MAC Address—MAC address mapped to the specified IPv6 address.
• Type—Neighbor discovery cache information entry type (static or dynamic).
• State—Specifies the IPv6 neighbor status. The values are:
—Address resolution is working. The neighbor has not yet
—Neighbor is known to be reachable.