Access Control
Defining MAC-based ACLs
399 Cisco Small Business 300 Series Managed Switch Administration Guide
MAC-based ACLs are defined in the MAC Based ACL page. The rules are defined
in the MAC Based ACE page.
To define a MAC-based ACL:
STEP 1 Click Access Control > MAC-Based ACL.
This page contains a list of all currently-defined MAC-based ACLs.
STEP 2 Click Add.
STEP 3 Enter the name of the new ACL in the ACL Name field. ACL names are
STEP 4 Click Apply. The MAC-based ACL is saved to the Running Configuration file.
Adding Rules to a MAC-based ACL
To add rules (ACEs) to an ACL:
STEP 1 Click Access Control > Mac-Based ACE.
STEP 2 Select an ACL, and click Go. The ACEs in the ACL are listed.
STEP 3 Click Add.
STEP 4 Enter the parameters.
• ACL Name—Displays the name of the ACL to which an ACE is being added.
• Priority—Enter the priority of the ACE. ACEs with higher priority are
processed first. One is the highest priority.
• Action—Select the action taken upon a match. The options are:
—Forward packets that meet the ACE criteria.
—Drop packets that meet the ACE criteria.
—Drop packets that meet the ACE criteria, and disable the port
from where the packets were received. Such ports can be reactivated
from the Port Settings page.
• Time Range—Select to enable limiting the use of the ACL to a specific time