Object Mapping 39
The configuration of Peripheral Targets for calls associated with
Supplementary DNs is required to define the proper call type when the call
is offered to the DMS-100.
2.12.3. Trunk Groups
The CTI Links utilized by the DMS-100 Peripheral Gateway offer no
Trunk level statistics to the customer. Trunk configurations on the DMS-
100 are treated as a POOL of inbound/outbound resources that are
accessible by all Call Types.
2.12.4. Trunks
No trunk information is provided by the CompuCALL Interface. As a
result, Trunks need not be entered in the Unified I C M configuration.
2.12.5. Services
The Cisco Service abstraction is defined as “a type of caller need that the
peripheral handles” (i.e., Quotes, Sales, Brokerage). The Unified ICM will
choose a Service based on the current Routing Script that is scheduled for
the dialed number being requested. The Router responds to the Routing
Client with the Label, which is specific to the Routing Client Type, which
defines how the call is to be treated. For Network Routing Clients, the Call
is directed to an ACD on a particular Trunk Group with a specific DNIS
and/or ANI. For ACD Routing Clients, the Label defines a target on the
ACD that performs specific call treatment. This could include on or off
switch processing of the call.
The DMS-100 ACD will follow either of these call delivery models. When
the call arrives to the ACD, it is offered to the ACD Group associated with
the Primary/Supplementary ACD-DN of the call. In both the DMS-100
and Unified ICM models, Agent/Skill Groups may be associated with one
or more services.
A Service Object has to be configured for each Primary ACD-DN and
each Supplementary ACD-DN.
The “Extension” configured in the Service Object must correspond to the
Primary or Supplementary ACD DN defined on the DMS-100. The
“Extension” configured in the Peripheral Targets for the Primary ACD DN
is the dialed number of Primary ACD DN; and for the Supplementary
ACD DN, it is the dialed number of Supplementary ACD DN.
The configuration of Service Objects for calls associated with
Supplementary DNs are required to define the proper call type when the
call is offered to the DMS-100.
Each Service Object has to be associated with a PeripheralTarget and
Route object in the system configuration.