Cisco SFS 7024 Hardware Users Guide
Mounted raw file system on device /dump0. (size=1048576 bytes)
Mounted flash file system on device /rfa1. (size=2097152 bytes)
Unified Boot Manager
[1] image1
[2] image2
CPU: Broadcom BCM1125
VxWorks Version: 5.4
Unified Boot Manager For The T3 Platform.
Image Date: Jan 19 2006, 15:03:31
Checking L2 functionality...
L2 caches initialized and invalidated
CPU0 caches initialized
Initialized SMBUS Channels
SPD Checksum ok.
MEM_SEL = 0x00000007
CPU_REV = 0x00000001_112421FF
CPU speed = 400 MHz
IO Bridge 0,1 speed = 133, 200 MHz
Memory size = 128 MB
MC1 Configured for 128M SODIMM, CAS=2, 100 MHz
Configured Memory Size = 0x08000000
Channel Interleave Bit = 0
Number of Mem Channels = 1
Testing memory
Memory tests pass
CPU0 flushing caches
L2 flush complete
Start type = 0xBFC006A0
Jumping to romStart
Initializing HyperTransport bus
HyperTransport initialization completed
rintf MBOX connect interrupt_source=28 vector=62 status=0
Printf MBOX intEnable status=0
Found Intel Strata Flash 128 MBit (0x8918).
Mounted raw file system on device /image1. (size=6291456 bytes)
Mounted raw file system on device /image2. (size=6291456 bytes)
Mounted raw file system on device /dump0. (size=1048576 bytes)
Mounted flash file system on device /rfa1. (size=2097152 bytes)
Unified Boot Manager
[1] image1
[2] image2
CPU: Broadcom BCM1125
VxWorks Version: 5.4
boot device : icspkg0
processor number : 0
host name : home
file name : /image1
inet on ethernet (e) : <NEW IP ADDRESS>
inet on backplane (b):
host inet (h) :
gateway inet (g) :
user (u) : ftp
ftp password (pw) (blank = use rsh): ftp
flags (f) : 0x0
target name (tn) :