Cisco SIP Proxy Server Administrator Guide
Appendix A SIP Compliance
RFC 2543 and RFC 3261
4xx Response—Request Failure Responses
400 Bad Request Request can not be understood because
of an illegal format.
Yes Generates and forwards this
401 Unauthorized Request requires user authentication. Yes Forwards this response. If it is
configured as a registrar and
authentication is enabled,
generates this response.
402 Payment required Payment is required for server to
complete the call.
See Cisco SPS
In registrar mode and if proxied
by the proxy server, generates
this response.
403 Forbidden Server has received and understood the
request but will not provide the service.
404 Not found Server has definite information that the
user does not exist in the specified
Yes Generates and forwards this
405 Method not allowed Method specified in the request is not
allowed. The response contains a list of
allowed methods.
See Cisco SPS
Forwards this response.
406 Not acceptable Requested resource can generate only
responses that have unacceptable
content as specified in the accept header
of the request.
407 Proxy authentication
Similar to the 401 Unauthorized
response, but client must first
authenticate itself with the proxy.
Yes Forwards this response. If
authentication is enabled,
generates this response.
408 Request timeout Server could not produce a response
before the expiration timeout.
See Cisco SPS
Generates and forwards this
409 Conflict Request cannot be processed because of
a conflict with the current state of the
410 Gone A resource is no longer available at the
server and no forwarding address is
See Cisco SPS
Forwards this response.
411 Length required User refuses to accept the request
without a defined content length.
413 Request entity too large Server refuses to process the request
because it is larger than the server is
willing or able to process. If a retry after
header field is contained in this
response, the user can attempt the call
once again in the retry time provided.
See Cisco SPS
414 Request-URI too long Server refuses to process the request
because the Request-URI is too long for
the server to interpret.
Yes Generates and forwards this
Table A-3 SIP Responses (continued)
SIP Response Meaning Supported? Cisco SPS Action