Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide
Chapter 3 Upgrading Cisco IPICS
Performing the Upgrade from a Downloaded File
[root] #ls -al
The contents of the root directory display in the window.
Step 4 To begin the upgrade, enter the following command:
[root] #./<name of upgrade file>.bin
where name of upgrade file represents the name of the .bin file that you
downloaded and transferred to the server.
A message window displays and indicates that the installer has detected a
previous version of Cisco IPICS exists on your server. See Figure 3-9 for an
example of the window. You can choose from the following options:
• Continue—Proceeds with a full installation and overwrites your current
installation, including the contents of your database and any files that were
backed up to the default backup directory, /devices
• Exit—Exits from the installation
• Upgrade—Upgrades your Cisco IPICS server software to the new version,
but leaves your database and the data in the /devices directory intact
Figure 3-9 Upgrade Available Message
Step 5 To continue with the upgrade, click Upgrade.