
Chapter 5 Network Element Management
Network Element Management Window
Cisco Catalyst Switch Manager User Guide
The SNMP Trap Client Configure window provides the following:
SNMP Trap Client Address—The IP address to which SNMP traps are
SNMP Trap Client Community String—The community string used
within the SNMP trap.
SNMP Version—The SNMP version running on the device, snmpv1c or
Add Client—Adds a client to the client list.
Remove Client—Removes the client from the client list.
Note An error is reported if a nonexistent client is removed or if an existing
client is added.
Device Management Tab
The Device Management tab of the Network Element Management window
consists of a single area, Write Config to Flash. The Write Config to Flash area
provides a single button, Write Mem
It changes to the running config are saved to the startup config. In the future, when
the startup config is accessed, it will contain the most recent running config
written to memory.
Additional Notes Tab
The Additional Notes tab of the Network Element Management window contains
the Notes area which is a text box that allows you to type in additional notes. For
example, this information can include text indicating why global performance
logging is turned on.