Cisco CNS Network Registrar User’s Guide
Chapter 22 Advanced DHCP Server Properties
Tuning the DHCP Server
client-detail (8) After every client-class client lookup operation, logs the composite of the
data found for the client and its client-class. Useful when setting a
client-class configuration and debugging problems in client-class
Logs whenever a scope is examined to find an available lease or to
determine if a lease is still acceptable for a client who already has one.
Can be very useful when configuring or debugging client-class scope
criteria processing. (Causes moderate amount of information to be logged
and should not be left enabled as a matter of course.)
failover-detail (10) Logs detailed failover activity.
ldap-query-detail (11) Logs whenever the DHCP server initiates a query to an LDAP server,
receives a response, and retrieves a result or error messages.
ldap-update-detail (12) Logs whenever the DHCP server initiates an update lease state to the
LDAP server, receives a response, and retrieves a result or error messages.
ldap-create-detail (13) Logs whenever the DHCP server initiates a lease state entry create to the
LDAP server, receives a response, and retrieves a result or error messages.
leasequery (14) Logs a message for every ACK- or NAK-responded lease query packet.
If the value of max-waiting-packets is non-zero, packets can be dropped
if the queue length for any IP address exceeds the value. If
dropped-waiting-packets is set, the server logs whenever it drops a
waiting packet from the queue for an IP address.
no-success-messages (16) Inhibits logging successful outgoing response packets.
Inhibits logging dropped DHCP packets.
Inhibits logging dropped BOOTP packets.
no-failover-activity (19) Inhibits logging normal activity and some warning messages logged for
failover. However, serious error log messages continue to appear.
activity-summary (20) Enables logging a summary message every five minutes (useful if the
following no- type flags are set), showing the activity in the previous
interval (you can adjust this interval using
dhcp set activity-summary-interval).
no-invalid-packets (21) Inhibits logging invalid packets.
busy (22)
Inhibits reducing logging when receive buffers reach 66%.
no-timeouts (23) Inhibits logging timeouts of leases and offers.
minimal-config-info (24) Reduces the number of configuration messages in the log.
no-failover-conflict (25) Logs conflicts between failover partners.
Table 22-2 DHCP Log Settings (continued)
Log Setting
(Numeric Equivalent) Description