Bulk Administration Tool User Guide
Chapter 4 Working with Users
Deleting Users from Cisco CallManager
Deleting Users from Cisco CallManager
Use this procedure to bulk-delete users from Cisco CallManager.
Step 1 Start BAT. (See Starting BAT, page 1-3.)
Step 2 Choose Configure > Users.
The Insert Users window displays.
Step 3 In the right corner of the window, click Delete Users.
The Delete Users window displays. To locate the users that you want to delete,
define the filter.
Caution If you do not define a filter, BAT deletes all users.
Step 4 In the first drop-down list box, choose a field to query such as User ID,
Department, First Name, or Last Name.
Step 5 In the second drop-down list box, choose contains or is exactly.
Step 6 In the third box, which is the search field/list box, either choose or enter the value
that you want to locate, such as a specific user.
Note To choose users from more than one department, enter multiple
departments in this field. For example, to choose users from departments
12 and 34, enter 12, 34 in the third box instead of performing two
Step 7 Click Add To Query button to add the defined filter to the query.
If you make a mistake, click the Clear Query button to remove the query; then,
return to Step 4 and start over.
Step 8 Click View Query Result to display the records that are going to be affected.
Specify the setting that you want to update for all the records that you defined in
your query.
Step 9 Click Delete to delete the chosen users.