Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Chapter 45 Cisco IP Phone Configuration
Configuring Cisco IP Phones
Proxy Server Enter the host and port (for example,
proxy.cisco.com:80) that are used to proxy HTTP
requests for access to non-local host addresses from the
phone HTTP client.
If the phone receives a URL such as www.cisco.com in a
service and the phone is not configured in the cisco.com
domain, the phone uses the proxy server to access the
URL. If the phone is configured in cisco.com domain, the
phone accesses the URL without using the proxy because
the phone is in the same domain as the URL.
If you do not configure this URL, the phone attempts to
connect directly to the URL.
Leave this field blank to accept the default setting.
Cisco CallManager does not display this field for
Cisco IP Phone 7905.
Idle Enter the URL that displays on the Cisco IP Phone 7960
and Cisco IP Phone 7940 LCD when the phone has not
been used for the time specified in Idle Timer field. For
example, you can display a logo on the LCD when the
phone has not been used for 5 minutes.
Leave this field blank to accept the default setting.
Cisco CallManager displays this field only for
Cisco IP Phone 7960 and 7940 models.
Idle Timer (seconds) Enter the time (in seconds) that you want to elapse before
the URL that is specified in the Idle field displays.
Leave this field blank to accept the value of the Idle URL
Timer enterprise parameter.
Cisco CallManager displays this field only for
Cisco IP Phone 7960 and 7940 models.
Extension Mobility (Device Profile) Information
Enable Extension
Mobility Feature
Check this check box if this phone supports extension
Table 45-1 Phone Configuration Settings (continued)
Field Description