The major nodes below the Equipment node in this tab are the following:
• Chassis
• Fabric Interconnects
Servers Tab
This tab contains the server-related components, such as service profiles, polices, and pools. A server
administrator typically accesses and manages the components on this tab.
The major nodes below the Servers node in this tab are the following:
• Service Profiles
• Service Profile Templates
• Policies
• Pools
This tab contains the components related to LAN configuration, such as LAN pin groups, quality of service
classes, VLANs, policies, pools, and the internal domain. A network administrator typically accesses and
manages the components on this tab.
The major nodes below the LAN node in this tab are the following:
• LAN Cloud
• Policies
• Pools
• Internal LAN Domains
This tab contains the components related to SAN configuration, such as pin groups, VSANs, policies, and
pools. A storage administrator typically accesses and manages the components on this tab.
The major nodes below the SAN node in this tab are the following:
• SAN Cloud
• Policies
• Pools
VM Tab
This tab contains thecomponents required to configure VM-FEX for servers with a VIC adapter. For example,
you use components on this tab to configure the connection between Cisco UCS Manager and VMware
vCenter, to configure distributed virtual switches, port profiles, and to view the virtual machines hosted on
servers in the Cisco UCS domain.
The major node below the All node in this tab is the VMware node.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 49
Overview of Cisco UCS Manager GUI