Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 101 IP Phone Services Configuration
IP Phone Service Configuration Settings
After you configure the services, you can add services to the phones in the database, that is, if they are
not classified as enterprise subscriptions, and you can assign the services to the Services, Directory, or
Messages buttons, if the phone model supports these buttons/options. Users can log in to Cisco
Unified CM User Options and subscribe to these services for their Cisco Unified IP Phones; that is, if
these IP phone services are not classified as enterprise subscriptions.
Table 101-1 describes the IP phone service configuration settings that display in the IP Phone Services
Configuration window in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration. See Table 101-2 for
information about the IP phone service parameter settings. For more information about related
procedures, see the “Related Topics” section on page 101-14.
Table 101-1 IP Phone Service Configuration Settings
Field Description
Service Information
Service Name Enter the name of the service. If the service is not marked as an
enterprise subscription, the service name will display in areas where
you can subscribe to a service; for example, under Cisco Unified CM
User Options. Enter up to 32 characters for the service name.
For Java MIDlet services, the service name must exactly match the
name that is defined in the Java Application Descriptor (JAD) file.
ASCII Service Name Enter the name of the service to display if the phone cannot display
Service Description Enter a description of the content that the service provides. The
description can include up to 50 characters in any language, but it
cannot include double-quotes (“), or single-quotes (‘).
Service URL Enter the URL of the server where the IP phone services application
is located. Make sure that this server remains independent of the
servers in your Cisco Unified Communications Manager cluster. Do
not specify a Cisco Unified Communications Manager server or any
server that is associated with Cisco Unified Communications Manager
(such as a TFTP server or directory database publisher server).
For the services to be available, the phones in the Cisco Unified
Communications Manager cluster must have network connectivity to
the server.
For Cisco-signed Java MIDlets, enter the location where the JAD file
can be downloaded; for example, a web server or the backend
application server to which the Java MIDlet communicates.
For Cisco-provided default services, the service URL displays as
Application:Cisco/<name of service> by default; for example,
Application:Cisco/CorporateDirectory. If you modify the service
URL for Cisco-provided default services, verify that you configured
Both for the Service Provisioning setting, which displays in the
Phone, Enterprise Parameter, and Common Phone Profile
Configuration windows. For example, you use a custom corporate
directory, so you change Application:Cisco/CorporateDirectory to the
external service URL for your custom directory; in this case, change
the Service Provisioning setting to Both.