Cisco Security Appliance Command Line Configuration Guide
Chapter 33 Configuring Certificates
CA Certificate Authentication
More Options... —For additional options for new certificates, click the More Options... button to
display configuration options for new and existing certificates. See Configuration Options for CA
The following table shows the modes in which this feature is available:
Edit CA Certificate Configuration
To modify the characteristics of an existing certificate, select the certificate and click the Edit button to
display a number of tab-selectable displays that address CA certificate configuration specifics. For
details, see Configuration Options for CA Certificates.
Show CA Certificate Details
The Show Details button displays the Certificate Details dialog box, which shows the following
information about the selected certificate:
• General—Displays the values for type, serial number, status, usage, public key type, CRL
distribution point, the times within which the certificate is valid, and associated certificates. This
applies to both available and pending status.
• Issued to— Displays the X.500 fields of the subject DN or certificate owner and their values. This
applies only to available status.
• Issued by—Displays the X.500 fields of the entity granting the certificate. This applies only to
available status.
Request CRL
The Request CRL button updates the current version of the Certificate Revocation List (CRL). CRL
update provides the current status of certificate users. If the request fails, an error message displays.
The CRL is generated and regenerated automatically until it expires; the Request CRL button forces an
immediate CRL file update and regeneration.
Delete a CA Certificate
The Delete button immediately removes the selected CA Certificate configuration from the security
appliance. Once you delete a certificate configuration, it cannot be restored; to recreate the deleted
certificate, you must use the Add button to reenter the certificate configuration information from the
Note Once you delete a certificate configuration, it cannot be restored.
Firewall Mode Security Context
Routed Transparent Single
Context System