System Test Architecture Reference Manual for IP Telephony
Chapter 12 IP Video Telephony Configuration
Cisco Unified CallManager Configuration for IP Video Telephony
The following devices were assigned to the regions shown:
• SJC-Local region—Includes all phones without video capabilities, CTI ports, voice mail ports,
conference bridges, transcoders, and PSTN gateways without video capabilities.
• SIP region—Includes SIP trunks to Cisco Unified CallManager 4.(x).
• Video region—To provide the maximum level of interoperability and features, these video endpoints
have been assigned to this region:
Cisco Unified Video Advantage associated with Cisco Unified IP Phone
7940G/7941G/7960G/7961G/ 7970G/7971G running SCCP.
Cisco Unified IP Phone 7985
Polycom H.323 video endpoints. (The Polycom VSX 7000 with firmware version 8.0.3 supports
G.722, G.722.1, G.711, G.728, audio codecs.)
SCCP Tandberg T1000 video endpoints.
SCCP Tandberg MXP video endpoints.
H.323 Tandberg 990 MXP video endpoints
Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3540 MCU SCCP Video Conference Bridge.
Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3540 MCU H.323 Gateway.
• WAN region—Includes H.225 intercluster trunks and SIP trunks to other cluster.
Note For additional information about codecs support by endpoints, refer to the “Endpoints” section
in IP Video Telephony Solution Reference Network Design (SRND) for
Cisco Unified CallManager. (Table 12-1 provides a link to this document.)
H.245 Capabilities Exchange with Intercluster Trunks
The codec specified for a region is the maximum codec that will be exchanged during an intercluster
trunk call. For example, the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7960G supports G.729, G.711, and Cisco wideband
audio codec. If audio codec between two regions is configured for G.711, Cisco Unified CallManager
will advertise G.711 and G.729, not G.711 only. If audio codec between two regions is configured for
G.729, Cisco Unified CallManager will advertise only G.729 because the phone does not support a lower
bandwidth codec.
Table 12-19 Regions Matrix
Default SIP SJC-Local Video WAN
Default G.711/384 G.711/None G.711/384 G.711/384 G.711/384
SIP G.711/None G.711/None G.711/None G711/None G.711/None
SJC-Local G.711/384 G.711/None G.711/384 G.711/384 G.729/384
Video G.711/384 G.711/None G.711/384 G.711/384 G.711/384
WAN G.711/384 G.711/None G.711/384 G.711/384 G.711/384