Chapter 9 About Your Preferences and Status
Specifying Preferences
User Guide for Cisco Unified Personal Communicator for Macintosh, Release 1.1
• Choose CiscoUPC > Preferences. Then click Profile and choose a Phone
Mode option.
• From the pop-up menu near the top of the console, choose a phone option.
Note If you want to use video, choose Soft Phone.
Step 2 If you chose Desk Phone, see the “Choosing the Associated Desk Phone” section
on page 9-6.
Choosing the Associated Desk Phone
If your system administrator has enabled this feature, you may be able to associate
Cisco Unified Personal Communicator with one of several desk phones. For
example, you may be able to temporarily use a phone in a conference room as if
it were the phone on your own desk.
By default, the Cisco Unified IP Phone on your desk is the associated desk phone.
Step 1 Using the method described in the User Guide for your Cisco IP Phone, log in to
the phone that you want to associate with Cisco Unified Personal Communicator.
Step 2 Make sure your active phone is Desk Phone.
Step 3 Do one of the following:
• From the Phone Mode drop-down list near the top of the console, choose
Choose Desk Phone.
• Choose CiscoUPC > Preferences. Then click Profile. Then, for the Phone
Mode option, choose Choose Desk Phone.
Step 4 Click a phone in the list to select it. Use the information in the table to help you
identify the phones in the list: