Chapter 8 Monitoring the Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone Remotely
Stream Statistics
Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 7921G Administration Guide for Cisco Unified CallManager Release 4.1, 4.2, 5.0
Stream Statistics
A phone streams information when it is on a a call or running a service that sends
or receives audio or data. The call statistics area on a phone’s web page provides
information about this stream. Table 8-6 describes the items in this area.
To display a network statistics area, access the web page for the phone as
described in the “Accessing the Web Page for a Phone” section on page 8-2, and
then click the Stream 1 or Stream 2 hyperlink under Stream Statistics.
TcpRetransSegs Number of TCP segments transmitted containing
previously transmitted octets
TcpInErrs Number of segments with bad TCP checksum
TcpOutRsts Number of TCP segments sent containing RST flag
UDP Statistics
UdpinDatagrams Number of UDP datagrams delivered to UDP users
UdpNoPorts Number of received UDP datagrams for which there
was not application at the destination port
UdpInErrors Number of received UDP datagrams not delivered
for reasons other than no application at port
UdpOutDatagrams Number of datagrams sent
Table 8-5 Network Statistics Screen Items (continued)
Item Description
Table 8-6 Stream Statistics Items
Item Description
Domain Name Domain of the phone
Remote Address IP address of the destination stream
Remote Port Port number of the destination
Local Address IP address of the phone
Local Port Port number of the phone