
Cisco Media Gateway Manager for the Cisco MGX 8260 Media Gateway User Guide
Release 1.0, Part Number 78-11705-01, December 2000
Chapter 2 Cisco MGM Installation
System Requirements
Platform Requirements
The platform resources you need depend on the number of Cisco MGX 8260 Media Gateways and their
configurations. A basic installation requires 2 GB of free disk space in a file system (for example /opt)
for Cisco EMF and Cisco MGM.
Allocate the server’s hard disks as follows:
Database and transaction log (2 drives)
Solaris operating system and swap space (1 drive)
Cisco MGM and Cisco EMF software, including the Cisco EMF database (1 drive)
A Cisco MGM server supports 5 concurrent Cisco MGM user sessions. Cisco MGM clients can support
5 additional users. Therefore, the maximum number of concurrent users for a client/server configuration
is 10. Each MGX 8260 chassis supports 5 concurrent Cisco WebViewer sessions.
Note OpenWindows is not supported on Cisco EMF.
Software Requirements
You need the following software for this installation:
Cisco EMF version 3.1
Cisco MGM version 1.0
Netscape 4.5 for Solaris (for Cisco WebViewer)
Cisco MGX 8260 Media Gateway, software version 1.2
Cisco Voice CORBA Gateway version 1.0 (optional)
Table 2-1 Minimum Platform Requirements
Resource Cisco MGM Server Cisco MGM Client
Hardware Sun Ultra 60 Workstation Sun Ultra 5 workstation
Operating system Solaris 2.6 with CDE 1.3 or
SunOS 5.6
Solaris 2.6 with CDE 1.3 or
SunOS 5.6
Memory 1 GB RAM 256MB RAM
Disk space Four hard disks, 9GB or larger
1. Do not substitute a smaller number of larger drives.
One hard disk, 9GB or larger
Processor Two x 360Mhz 333Mhz
Swap space 2GB 2GB
Monitor 17" color 17" color
Graphics card 24bit 24bit
CD ROM Local or remote Local or remote