Installation Guide for the Cisco MGC Node Manager 2.5(2)
Chapter 2 Installing Cisco MGC Node Manager
Performing a New Installation of the Cisco MGC Node Manager
Go to http://www.cisco.com/cgi-bin/tablebuild.pl/cemf-sp32-sp1 for the latest Cisco EMF 3.2
software (at least Service Pack 7) and the patch Release Note (an Acrobat PDF file such as
CEMF3.2P7DepRelNote.pdf). For overall version 3.2 Release Notes, go to
If you want to use SSH for secure communications with SSH-enabled network components, also
download the cryptographic add-in package available from the network management download
page http://www.cisco.com/kobayashi/sw-center/sw-netmgmt.shtml under Cisco Element
Management Systems - CEMF Strong Cryptographic Software. Download both the CEMF
Crypto Add-on Package Software and the CEMF Crypto Add-on Package Installation Guide.
You must have authorization to download cryptographic software; if you do not, you are
automatically redirected to an authorization request page.
• Cisco documentation, including:
Netscape, for displaying Help for browser-based management
Cisco MGC Node Manager User’s Guide
Cisco Documentation CD
• CiscoView 5.4 (unbundled from the Cisco MGC Node Manager installation). Install CiscoView if
you want to manage Cisco SLTs or Cisco LAN switches (Cisco MGC Node Manager will use the
CiscoView server as the management interface). CiscoView should be installed before installing
Cisco EMF and Cisco MGC Node Manager.
• The Cisco MGC Node Manager Provisioning Tool (formerly the Voice Services Provisioning Tool).
The Provisioning Tool version must match your version of the Cisco MGC software. If you are
managing nodes with Cisco MGC hosts running different software versions, you can install multiple
Provisioning Tool versions. Cisco MGC Node Manager automatically launches the correct version
for the currently selected host.
For the latest VSPT patch, go to http://www.cisco.com/cgi-bin/tablebuild.pl/mgc-nm.
For the Cisco MGC Node Manager Release Notes 2.5, go to
X Terminal Software
To access Cisco MGC Node Manager from a remote workstation, you should have Reflection 7.2 or
above installed. See the “Task 11: Set Up the X Terminal Workstations for Remote Access” section on
page 2-15 for information about X terminal access.
Solaris 8 Operating System
The machines that will run Cisco MGC Node Manager should have the Sun Solaris 8 operating system
with Common Desktop Environment (CDE) 1.3 installed.
Caution The Solaris Language setting must be English and the Locale setting must be English (C-7 bit ASCII).
Other Language and Locale choices are not supported.
Required Information
This chart lists information helpful to have before you begin installation. Complete the chart and have it
available as you work through the installation tasks.