Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Express Release 1.1
Chapter 4 Installing Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Express Release 1.1.2
How to Install Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Express
Step 9 The Review New Network Settings page appears and displays all the network values you entered in
Step 2 of the “Configuring the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Express Server” section on page 4-8.
Review these values to ensure they are correct. If they are correct, click Next.
• If they are not correct, click Previous to go back to the previous pages and make changes.
• If they are correct, click Next.
Note Changing the values on this page overwrites the values you entered earlier.
Step 10 The Configure NIC Settings page appears.
• If your system uses Auto Negotiation, click On. The system automatically takes you to Step 12.
• If your system does not use Auto Negotiation, click Off and proceed to Step 11.
Note Changing the values on this page overwrites the values you entered earlier.
Step 11 If your system does not use auto-negotiation, you must set the Speed (Full Duplex) and Duplex mode
values. Select a speed and duplex mode for your system. Click Next.
Note Changing the values on this page overwrites the values you entered earlier.
Note Review these network setting values carefully. If you need to change them after the installation
is complete, you must use the net command. See the “Running Application CLI Commands”
section on page 9-6 for more information about using the net command.
Step 12 The Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Express installer prompts you to create a Password for the user called
root. The password must be at least eight characters and can contain any printable ASCII characters. The
password is case-sensitive. Enter a password and then confirm the password. Click Next.
Step 13 The Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Express installer prompts you to create a Password for the user called
mpxadmin. The password must be at least eight characters and can contain any printable ASCII
characters. The password is case-sensitive. Enter a password and then confirm the password. Click Next.
Step 14 Review the pre-installation summary. Values include the product name, install folder, and the amount of
disk space required and available for the installation target. If all the values are correct, click Install.
The Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Express installer installs the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Express
application. This can take between seven and 25 minutes.
When the installation is complete, the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Express installer displays the Install
Complete page.
Note If the Install Complete page displays a message stating that there were errors during the
installation, uninstall the application, reboot the computer, and install everything again. If you
still get errors after installing the operating system and application the second time, go to the log
to see the error messages. The log is located at MPX_<version number>_InstallLog.log.
Step 15 Click Done to finish the installation. The DVD-ROM drive ejects the DVD.