Ad Hoc Conference Call
Ad hoc conferences, which support up to eight parties, are created when one party calls another, then either party decides to
add another party to the call. This is the default behavior. Your system can be configured so that only the conference creator
can add parties to the conference.
The default is that the conference is maintained as long as three parties remain in the conference. Any party can hang up and
the conference is maintained. Your system can be configured so that the conference drops when the creator hangs up. Your
system can also be configured so that the conference drops when the last local party hangs up.
Start a Conference Call
To add new participants to an existing conference, use the following method:
1. From a connected call, press Confrn. (You may need to press the more soft key to see Confrn.)
2. Enter the participant’s phone number.
3. Wait for the call to connect.
4. Press Confrn again to add the participant to your call.
5. Repeat to add additional participants.
View a List of Participants
To view a list of conference participants, use the following method:
1. Highlight an active conference.
2. Press ConfList. Participants are listed in the order in which they join the conference with the most recent additions at the
3. To get an updated list of participants, while viewing the conference list, press Update.
4. To see who started the conference, while viewing the conference list, locate the person listed at the bottom of the list with
an asterisk (*) next to the name.
5. To drop the last party added to the conference, press RmLstC. You can remove participants only if you initiated the
conference call.
Remove Participants
To remove any conference participant, use the following method:
1. Highlight the participant’s name.
2. Press Remove. You can remove participants only if you initiated the conference.
3. To end your participation in a conference, hang up or press EndCall.
Place a Call from Your Local Directory
To access the local phone directory established by the system administrator, use the following method:
1. Press the Directories button.
2. Press the Navigation Up or Down button or press 4 to select the Local Directory.
3. Press the Navigation Up or Down button to select the Last, First, or Number field search option.
4. Using the keypad, enter the last name or first name for the entry.
When entering letters, select the appropriate number key of the letter you want, and press that key a number of times that
equals the position of the target letter. For example, to enter a B, press the 2 key two times, and to enter a C, press the 2
key three times. Use the backspace (<<) soft key to make corrections while entering data.
5. Press the Search soft key to find your selection.
6. If your search results in multiple listings, use the Navigation Up or Down button to select the correct number.
7. Press the Dial soft key to dial the selected number.