Cisco IE 3000 Switch Getting Started Guide
Cisco IE 3000 Switch Getting Started Guide
Using the Switch Console Port:
Follow these steps:
1. Connect the supplied RJ-45-to-DB-9 adapter cable (console cable) to the
standard 9-pin serial port on the PC. Connect the other end of the cable to the
console port on the switch.
2. Start a terminal-emulation program on the PC.
3. Configure the PC terminal emulation software for 9600 bits per second, 8 data
bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, and no flow control.
Use the CLI to enter commands to configure the switch. See the software
configuration guide and the command reference for more information.
Other Management Options
You can use Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) management
applications such as CiscoWorks Small Network Management Solution (SNMS)
and HP OpenView to configure and manage the switch. You also can manage it
from an SNMP-compatible workstation that is running platforms such as HP
OpenView or SunNet Manager.
See the “Accessing Online Help” section on page 27 for a list of supporting
Installing the Switch
These sections explain how to install the switch on a DIN rail or in a rack. Refer
to the switch hardware guide for instructions on mounting the switch on a wall:
• Equipment That You Supply, page 12
• Before You Begin, page 12
• Installation Warning Statements, page 13
• Mounting the Switch to a DIN Rail or to the Rack Adapter, page 16
• Grounding the Switch, page 17
• Wiring the DC Power Source, page 18