Cisco IE 2000 Switch Hardware Installation Guide
Chapter 1 Product Overview
Network Configurations
• Cisco IOS CLI
The switch CLI is based on Cisco IOS software and is enhanced to support desktop-switching
features. You can fully configure and monitor the switch. You can access the CLI either by
connecting your management station directly to the switch management port, or a console port, or
by using Telnet from a remote management station. See the switch command reference on
Cisco.com for more information.
• Cisco Prime LAN Management Solution 4.2
pport/table/lms42sdt.html#Cisco IE 2000 Series Switches
• SNMP network management
You can manage switches from a SNMP-compatible management station that is running platforms
such as HP OpenView or SunNet Manager. The switch supports a comprehensive set of Management
Information Base (MIB) extensions and four Remote Monitoring (RMON) groups. See the switch
software configuration guide on Cisco.com and the documentation that came with your SNMP
application for more information.
• Common Industrial Protocol
The Common Industrial Protocol (CIP) management objects are supported. The Cisco IE 2000 can
be managed by CIP-based management tools, allowing the user to manage an entire industrial
automation system with one tool.
This switch supports PROFINET TCP/IP and RT and can be managed by Siemens' automation
software such as STEP 7.
Network Configurations
See the switch software configuration guide on Cisco.com for network configuration concepts and
examples of using the switch to create dedicated network segments and interconnecting the segments
through Gigabit Ethernet connections.