Storing and recalling presets
The numbered buttons (1-6) enable you to store radio stations for one-touch access.
To store a station
You can store a station to a preset while listening to it or when you see the station name on the bottom line of the
display while scrolling through the station list.
Press and hold down a numbered button for around two seconds to store the station under that number. The display
shows e.g. ‘Preset 1 saved’ when the station has been successfully saved. Once you save a station to a preset, the
station name has the preset number next to it on the station list.
To recall a previously stored station
Press and release the numbered button under which you stored the station. If the selected preset is empty the display
shows ‘Preset empty’ for a few seconds and you continue listening to the currently selected station.
Multiplex name Displays the name of the multiplex in which the current service is found, see Guide to Digital Radio
on page 14 for more information on multiplexes.
Date and time Displays the date and time obtained from the current multiplex.
Channel Displays the channel identifier and frequency for the station to which you are tuned, see Guide to
Digital Radio on page 14 for more information.
Mode Displays the mode of the current service, Stereo or Mono and the data rate at which the audio
signal is being transmitted. This rate is set by the broadcaster to suit the type and quality of
material being transmitted.
Signal quality Displays the signal quality for the signal to which you are tuned. As a guide values from 85 to 100
indicate good reception, 70 to 84 borderline reception and 0 to 69 poor reception. You can attempt
to improve this signal quality by adjusting your aerial position using the Tuning aid described on
page 12.